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Ross Middle School Band Program

Mr. Morelock and RMS Band

Seventh and Eighth Grade Band

The purpose of the 7/8 band is to develop skills as a musician that have already been developed in the previous years of instruction.  We will work to make a fun learning environment while still advancing our skills as musicians.  Middle School Band is a very important time for students to develop skills that they will need to be members of the high school band.  We will give concerts, participate in parades and community events, and a high school football game.  There will also be playing tests, and in-class assignments to achieve our goals.  At Ross Middle School it is possible to participate in both band and choir, as they meet separate periods of the school day.  

Band Schedule

The full band will rehearse everyday with concentrated pull-out sectionals for additional instruction.

Fees and Equipment

Students are required to rent or own their own instrument to participate in the band program at Ross Middle School.  There are some assistance programs available if you are not able to obtain an instrument through traditional means.  

  • 7/8th Grade fees vary based on instrument.  
  • Students will need: RMS Polo shirt, Flip Folder & Lyre, Kings Island Competition Entrance Fee  


Mr. Andrew Morelock, Director
Ross Middle School, Room 700

Ross Band of Class
Ross Band of Class on Facebook